Apr 26, 2008

No Snappy Title

I couldn't come up with a snappy title today. Have you ever been cooking, clean, driving down the road, etc and have a fantastic idea for a blog post? My brain is alway in overdrive. It's a wonder I'm not always crashing into walls. Everything seems to pop into my mind while I'm in the shower. We use to have only one bathroom and I was forever writing stuff on the shower walls with Kaity's Crayola tub crayons. I miss the crayons!

My yarn came in from Dog Lover's Yarn.


Yum! It's soft and the colors are gorgeous! Thanks Susan. This one will be knit very soon. Hop on over and check out Susan's shop and blog. I've been reading her blog for some time now and it's always a joy.

I received a wee giftie from my friend Jen the other day.


She sent me The Little Box of Socks. This box rocks! I love how they did the patterns.


Each one has it's own card. Yes, they are all new patterns. There are 20 different sock patterns in this little box and the sizes for each pattern range from children to mens. All the patterns are sized for womens feet but there are a few that do not have men or children sizes.

I got a treat at Barnes and Noble today.


The Knitter's Book of Yarn...I've been wanting this one since it came out. It has all sorts of good info and there are some patterns that I really want to knit.

I think the next book I'm going to get is Cat Bordhi's New Pathways for Sock Knitters. I really want to see all the fuss is over this book. There are tons of people raving about it. I'm always up for a new sock pattern book.

Rogue is coming along nicely. I'm getting ready to divide for the front and back. Hopefully I'll have a progress pic the next I post. My Everlasting Bagstopper is at about the halfway mark. I managed to put several more rows on it today while we were out shopping.

The only other thing I've been working on are my Secret Knitting projects and for obvious reasons I can't post about them.

I'm off to bath the youngest monkey. I have no idea where this kid picks up her dirt but no sooner do I get her clean then she gets dirty again.

Happy Crafting!


  1. I'm glad to hear that the yarn got to you safe and sound. I'm excited to see how it knits up for you!

  2. ooohh the box of socks looks neat... must check out.
    I write on the shower walls too... we keep the bath crayons in there just for me! I've also been known to carry a digital recorder around in the car so I don't kill us trying to write stuff down....

  3. ooohhh very cool! I've been eying that box of socks.
    Hmm about New Pathways. I picked it up a bit after the hype and well, maybe I'm just not the exploring type of gal but it doesn't do much for me. :( Maybe I'll let it simmer around, hehe.

  4. Like the dog lovers, that's very pretty.

  5. I knew a post couldn't go by without some yarn sneaking in! At least you've recieved books too. :)

  6. I love knitting books. Nice choices!
