Oct 3, 2007

Yarn in the Mail

Shawn brought this home earlier.


It's the Cascade 220 Superwash that I ordered from Yarn Country last week. They shipped it out Monday via USPS Priority mail and I got it in this morning. Now my YP shipment came from the same area (only about 30 miles apart) and it took 6 days. And the post office wonders why we all email instead of writing letters.

This is the pattern I'm going to use. I'm not going to start it until I get my computer and laser printer back which will be some time Monday.....WooHoo!!!!! Chances are I'll start towards the end of next week.

I need to get going. Gotta go it's chattin' time with my mom since the chatterboxes are not here/are asleep. Bree is getting more and more vocal which makes it hard to talk when I'm constantly hearing: babble, Mama, babble, babble, Mama, babble, babble. Anyone with kids, nieces, nephews, etc should know what I'm talkin' bout.


  1. Love the Superwash. I've been wanting to try that. Also been wanting to try Yarn Country. They have an excellent website. I know how happy you will be Monday when all is set up and back to normal. I couldn't exist without a printer. I'm printing out patterns all the time. Hope all is well.

  2. OMGosh! I think you got your blogging-mojo back! I go away for a day and you have 7 posts?! Very nice yarn acquisitions!

  3. That is one bright, beautiful green! I LOVE it!

  4. Love the post office. Pay for priority and it'll get there no faster than not paying priority. Go figure.
    Love baby babble. I babble back to my granddaughter all the time and she looks at me like, "Finally, someone who understand what it's all about. Thank God for grams."

  5. Yay to mail getting to you!
