Apr 9, 2007

Ah the Depression is Gone

My stalking of Knitterly Things paid off.  I was able to snag 2 skeins that I've been wanting.  I got Strange Little Mama and Astro.  Nothing better then a quick shopping trip.  The yarn sold out in nothing flat.  Less then an hour latter there was no more yarn.  :~)
OK seriously, I didn't buy the yarn out of some strange sock frogging depression.  I've been planning this buy for the past few days when I seen that Julia was going to be doing a shop update today.  :~)   This was a well thought out, calculated shopping expedition. 


  1. Are you being a yarn stalker again?!

  2. Yay! Commenting is working now in Safari.

  3. I'm green, green I tell you, with envy! I will have to relieve my jealousy by keeping watch at Loopy Ewe all week. Seriously, good for you for grabbing some Vesper. I'll be anxious to know how you like it.
