Jun 17, 2008

Meme Tagged

Knittech has tagged me for a meme so here we go:

You have been meme-tagged. Pick up the nearest book. Open on page 123.
Find the fifth sentence. Post the next three sentences. Tag five
people, and acknowledge who tagged you.

This is out of one of those self care handbooks I found sitting on the floor next to my desk. The girls drag it around the house and color in it.

Anti-inflammatory medications, such as aspirin, ibuprofen, or naproxen sodium, may help ease pain but can cause stomach upset. Enroll in an arthritis self-management program. Participants in these programs usually have less pain and fewer limitations on their activities.

The funny thing is page 123 is part of a section talking about joint problems which is something I've been experiencing a lot of here lately.

Now as for the tagging part. I'm a rebel and never follow the rules so if you wanna play consider yourself tagged by me.