Apr 22, 2008

Some Knitting to Show

Before I start my post on knitting I'd love it if you'd lend a second of you're time to ask if you could donate to my friend Sarah's Relay for Life goal. Every little bit helps. Who's life hasn't been touched by a family or friend with cancer? You can read all the details in Sarah's post. Thanks!

I finished my first Tidepool Rib Sock.


Yarn is Socks that Rock Mediumweight, color Tidepool. It's a simple toe up, 2x2 rib pattern with a short row toe and heel and a picot bind off. The pattern was generated with Sock Wizard. It's a 52 stitch CO and my gauge was 7 stitches per inch. I don't see how anyone could get 8 stitches per inch like the ball band calls for and have a sock that is comfortable to wear. I think I'll get more mediumweight so I can make some warm boot socks for next winter.

The faint of heart may need to scroll past this photo.


Can we please have a moment of silence for Mr. Bare Superwash. Mr.
Superwash had an unfortunate accident and has been laid to rest! May
you rest in peace Mr. Superwash! I'm too choked up right now to discuss the accident that took Mr. Superwash from our loving home. All of us in the Luvs2knit household appreciate all your kind words and thoughts. They will help us get through this great tragedy.

Now on to some happier things.


I have a dishcloth on the needles. It's the Tic Tac pattern from the book Yarnplay at Home. I bought the double book Yarnplay/Yarnplay at Home from my book club. I love the two books in one deal....very nice.

Shot of the snow on the right side of the yard.


Shawn had to clear a path for the dogs because they were sinking in the snow. We actually lost Zeus in the snow since he's so small. See what I mean about ugly stuff in my backyard. I was the lucky one to get the yard that has the power, cable, and phone boxes. *le sigh*
They are an eyesore. Not mention that the yard is one big downhill slope. All the yards in the new housing areas seem to have hilly yards. It wouldn't have killed them to flatten it out a tiny bit. At least the yard is fenced! Just out of camera sight on the right side is a little tree and the gate into the yard.

Another shot of the snow (left side of the yard).


You can barely see the two small blue flags on the left hand side....these are where the two new trees are going...woot! Off left next to the fence is a nice size storage shed.

Both snow shots were taken this morning when I was outside photographing my sock and dishcloth. Now you all have had a full tour of the house. It's only taken me 6 months to finish it.

I'll leave you with this photo....which cracks me up each time I look at it.


Tell me that isn't pitiful. Zeus will tolerate anything if it means he's getting attention. This is what happens when Kaity is bored and Zeus wants attention. Disclaimer: No animals were harmed in the the taking of this photo!


  1. My deepest heartfelt sympathy for Mr. Bare Superwash. I pray that one day you can look back with fond memories of him and smile. In the meantime, your grief is understandable.

  2. Boy, did you get a lot of snow! Bummer.

  3. Oh Mr Bare Superwash.... so.sad.
    and Zeus! So.Pathetic. (I used to dress our yorkie in doll clothes...)
    SNOW!!!! send some here!!!!!

  4. Poor Zeus!
    The Tidepool socks are so pretty! My feet are so big that my STR never stripes properly.

  5. Funny pic of the pup!
    You still have snow? I thought NH was bad - but ours is finally gone... keep the faith.

  6. Zeus looks adorable! :-) I had to use some hair ties to pull back my poodles ears because they were too moist and needed to air out. Do you have to do your own lawn care in housing there? We did in Groton and our back yard had a "hill of death". I was waiting for the lawn mower to flip over and hurt someone. And the lazy kids with the house on the top of the hill would try to mow less than their share so we'd have a strip of unmowed grass because I refused to do more than my share. Wow I don't miss housing there! ;-)

  7. WOW, you guys still have snow. We've got flowers and rain.
    Poor Mr. Superwash. May he rest in peace. (I almost put piece.)

  8. That is a funny pic of Zeus. Poor guy.

  9. WOW!! That's some crazy amount of snow. We hardly ever see snow here. :( Maybe and inch or so every 7 years, lol. Stay warm and keep up the knitting. :)
