Oct 14, 2007

Knitting Happy!

Why am I knitting happy, some of you may ask. Well it's because of this.


I replaced my beat up glider with this fabulously comfy, solid oak beauty....please excuse the mess, we're still majorly disorganized in all the rooms sept the bedrooms and the kitchen. Getting this baby was like moving from a Dodge Neon straight to a Lexus. My previous glider was a Wally world special that had seen it's fair share of abuse, namely baby spit up. It was destined to die an early death.

So since I had the camera out I thought I'd show you all what I've been up to.

First up, is a baby kimono made with Caron's new Simply Soft Baby.


It's really soft and nice to work with. It's isn't splitty like the regular Simply Soft. I like the Simply Soft but it drives me nuts at times to knit or crochet with because it has a tendency to be splitty. The kimono pattern is only found on the ball band right now or I'd link it. It's similar to a lot of the other baby kimonos out there.

Next up, the Butternut Rib socks.


They are progressing nicely. I should have these finished by next weekend.

Hopefully sometime next week I'll be able to head out to Barnes and Noble to pick up the Holiday 07 issue of Interweave Knits. There are several things that I want to make out of there. I'd love to make the Ski Sweater for myself. I even love the colors that they used. I love the Koolhaus hat too. Plus the sock patterns....definately worth the price of the mag. I know we'll go out because Transformers comes out on DVD the 16th. There's no way Shawn's not going to run out to buy that one.

Another good thing. I'm going to get a chance to meet up with a fellow Montana knit blogger. I'm really looking forward to it.

Well I'm outta here. I need to go sit in my glider and knit for a bit. Now that I have to get up at 6am bed time comes a lot earlier then midnight.


  1. I love the rocker! I've always wanted a glider rocker, but it just never seemed to happen. You'll knit up a storm in that one. Hope you are getting settled ok, and all is well. The kimono looks so soft.

  2. Glad you're enjoying your rocker!
    Nive WIPS!

  3. What a comfy place to sit & knit! Congrats on the upgrade!

  4. ooohhh Nice! Love gliders- if they reclined I'd never get up!
    the wips are looking good too. Glad to hear things are settling in for you

  5. Very nice! Looks comfy to knit in!
