Aug 23, 2007

New Dishcloth & Yarn

Since I finished the candy bag (see previous post) for Kaity I decided to start another dishcloth. 


This one is from the Aug mid-month Monthly Dishcloth KAL pattern.  It's called Shifting Sand.  The cables show better in person.  I need to work on my picture taking skills.

Next is the August installment of the Yarn Pirate Booty club. 


The yarn is BFL and the color is called Calamity.  I love it!  Pretty!


  1. Great cloth. I'm starting mine today. I just love all the colors in the cotton yarn. How do you keep them from fading when washing them? Cotton fades so. Kaity's bag is cute, too. I amazes me how much you get done in spite of the move.

  2. Is that the same Shifting Sands pattern as Grumperina's scarf?
    Love the Yarn Pirate - great colors!

  3. Girlfriend - how many WIPs do you have going!? Where's the photo of the sock yarn stash I've been waiting for?! More to add to it now. :)

  4. Luv, Luv, luv the new bloggie layout! :)

  5. Lusting after your Yarn Pirate yarn

  6. I read some of the posts and I think it is a great site. I hope you like my dry attributes I have a nice joke for you) What kind of tree has hands? A palm tree.
