Jun 27, 2007

No Knitting

*******New Flash: As I was finishing this post I got a text from my sis who was passing info from my mom...moms phone died  :~)   My nephew was born this evening....WooHoo.  I'm an Auntie.  Both mom and baby are healthy.  I'll post more tomorrow when I have the news.  I'm quiet sure my mom will call me tomorrow with the stats.

Yup, you heard right, no knitting was accomplished in the Luvs2Knit house today.  Shocking I know.  I just couldn't concentrate to save my life.  The last thing I needed to do was touch any of my knitting projects, who know what mistakes I would have had to rip out.   :~)


I did get these in the mail this morning.  Pretty cute aren't they?  Even if I never learn to spin they will make lovely decorations in the fiber room I one day hope to have.  But never fear I will learn to spin.  If you're interested in where I got the spindles they come from Mapasspindles on ebay.

I didn't knit today because I kept getting woke up last night, between the loud explosions from fake bombs, sirens and more explosions I had a tad bit of a hard time falling asleep.  The reason I had a problem falling back asleep was because the first set of explosions woke me up from my "sleep of the dead".  Normally the only thing that wakes me from that is any word or sound uttered from one of my kids mouths.   Needless to say it scared me spitless. 

The first explosion bout gave me a heart attack.   I calmed myself down after a whole lotta very quiet cussing.....kaity was asleep next to me since Shawn is working nights.  After all was quiet, I laid back down and attempted to go back to sleep.  I was juuuuust drifting off when the sirens go off.....ear splitting sirens.  This siren lasted for a good 2-3 minutes.  By this time I'm out in the living room cussing and stomping because for some reason I think this going to help.  Anyone who knows me other then through email and my blog knows that I can cuss bad enough to make a sailor blush.  But the cussing served its purpose: keeping me from getting on the phone and calling a bunch of innocent people really bad names.  Try to keep in mind that I was woke out of my "sleep of the dead" by something other then my kids.....not a good thing to do.  Ok, cussing is over with, the siren has stopped I've sent Shawn an text message stating something to the fact that they needed to just nuke the play area (simulated of course) so the rest of the base can go back to sleep.  I found out this morning that the siren wasn't suppose to sound, that was "Operator Error" I'm being PC but please feel free to insert a very creative nasty name of your choice.   :~)
Alright so, where were we, oh yeah, the sirens stopped and I stopped cussing so it was time to go back to bed but one hitch, now Bree is fussing.  Now I can't sleep if there is fussing coming from my kiddos room.  So I had to lay back in my bed and listen to see if she would settle down.  Another 20 minutes later and all was quiet in Brees room.  Ah, time for sleep.  Now I'm laying there in bed, starting to doze off and they start the explosions.  More cussing followed....please feel free to use any of your most favorite curse words to fill in for the imagination....I won't mind a little ad libbing here.  By the time all is quiet and I'm trying to doze off and find my "sleep of the dead" it's after 4:00 am.  I was woke up at about 8:40 am by my loving but very tired hubby.  He got to sleep, I got coffee and a headache. 
Bad news:  The exercise won't end until some time Friday.  Here's hoping it's quiet tonight.  I'm not going to hold my breath.....lest I pass out.  :~)

I'm not knitting tonight, I'm going to bed.  Hopefully tonight will be a lot better then last night.  Tomorrow I want to start swatching for Kaity's skirt and my sis's tank.

Ah crap....there went the sirens.  *sigh*  I hate this base.  Please let Sept get here faster.


  1. Geez, what a night! Awful! Hope you got some sleep. I wouldn't knit, either, for fear of a mistake. Congrats on becoming an auntie. Glad all went well.

  2. Wow - sounds like a long night - I guess I shouldn't complain about the kids in our neighborhood shooting off fireworks at midnight for two weeks before July 4th!
    Congrats on aunt-hood!

  3. WTF? I would have been like a lunatic! I HATE getting scared outa sleep!
    Good luck with the new spindles! Have you managed anything on the cd spindle yet? Remember park & draft!

  4. Congrats!!! An aunt!! How fun is that?
