Apr 5, 2007


Welcome everyone to my new blog.  Over the next few weeks I'll be working on spicing it up and making it look nice.


  1. Delurking to say I love the new look & site. Oh and I am so jealous of your yarn allowance! :) I live vicariously through your packages.

  2. What did blogger do?
    Congrats on the possible move. When will you know where you guys are going?

  3. Your new blog is coming along nicely. You've been hard at work in the last little bit 'cuz I checked earlier on the old one and then here when I read your note. Keep up the good work. Love to read your blog.

  4. Love the new blog. What a surprise. You've really been working hard!

  5. Lots of luck setting up the new blog! It looks like it's going to be pretty cool.
    I'd vote on the move to NM, too - lots of LYS' near!
